mosaic family Meeting

June 23rd, 2024 I 11:45a-1:15p @ The Old Y

This year @ our Mosaic Family Meeting, we'll be looking at and voting on 3 main things: 
- The returning and newly appointed Elder Candidates for this year
- The Proposed 2024-2025 Financial Budget
- Bylaw Edits, Additions, and Redactions

Use the following to help inform & Equip you as you prepare to vote and/or give feedback to the leadership and stewardship of Mosaic Church this year. 

Meet the Elder Candidates

Returning Candidates

Geoff Schive (3rd Term)

Married 42 years
Two kids
Five grandkids
Technical Sales Director
Geoff feels called to serve the Lord in his role as one of the leaders for the safety team as well as an Elder.
Being an Elder is a calling and a privilege to serve the Lord who made such a dramatic change in his life.

Tony Willsher (3rd Term)

Married 11 years
Four kids
Discipleship Pastor @ Mosaic
Tony is a Husband and a Father who has been in vocational ministry for many years. Loves camping, football, and basketball, but his supreme passion to see Jesus change lives and help equip the parts of the body toward love and good works. Being considered as an elder is an honor and a privilege.

Kaleb Appelgate (3rd Term)

Married 10 years
Four kids
Agricultural Production Specialist
Kaleb sees the call for a plurality of leadership in healthy churches and desires to contribute to that.  He loves the people and community of Marshalltown. His primary passions are wanting to see many people come to know Jesus and for people to mature in their faith as they recognize the depth of the forgiveness of God.

Jeff Rasmussen (3rd Term)

Married 21 years
Four kids
Accountant / Small Business Owner
God has laid it on Jeff's heart to see our local church grow as a close knit community of believers.  He is excited to serve along side this group of men and to help provide leadership as God grows mosaic church in our spiritual depth and gospel outreach.

Newly Proposed Candidates

Note: The "EIT" stands for Elder in Training. (EIT) candidates are not up as Official Elder Candidates.

Andrew Fish (Proposed Elder)

Married 16 years
Three kids
Continuous Improvement Manager
Andrew is keenly aware of the transformational work the Lord has done in his own life and loves to witness the Spirit's work transforming other's lives.  He believes in the plurality of elders leading and shepherding the local congregation and is honored to serve in this role.

Grant Shadden (Proposed Elder)

Married for 18 years
Two kids
CEO & General Manager - Regenerative Agriculture
Grant enjoys time with family and learning more of God's wondrous love and grace. He has a deep desire for people to have an experiential knowing of the transforming power of the Father's love, expressed through Jesus, and empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit.

David Tallman (EIT)

Married 38 years
3 Adult Children
Worked for Wells Fargo for 32 years.
Retired March 2020.
I grew up in California and came to Christ May 7th, 1975. Dawn and I met in 1985 and married that same year. We first lived in Portland, Oregon; then, after 2 years in the Quad-Cities, we moved to Altoona where we would spend the next 20+ years were we actively served in children's ministries, leading Adult Bible Fellowships, and College Ministries. In 2016, we moved to Marshalltown to provide daycare for our grandkids. We have been active in Mosaic since its initial launch.  I am excited to see how God uses Mosaic to reach Marshalltown with the love of Jesus.

Budget & Bylaws


Please review the proposed 2024/2025 Budget for mosaic.  
We operate on a July-June fiscal year.
The budget is up for a vote of approval on June 23.
If you have any questions email


These Bylaws include changes to the Family Membership structure and redaction of the Ministry Collective Partnership.  Other minor modifications have been made for purposes of consistency with vision and language.

If you have questions about anything please feel free to reach out to the elders collectively at or reach out to anyone individually as needed.


If you are a Mosaic Family Member
& would like to vote or give feedback,
click below between June 23rd
@ 1:15p until June 30th 12a.

If you are not an official Mosaic Family Member but have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the elders collectively at .


As you plan to attend lunch and the Family Meeting, please register your 0-4 year old for childcare so we can be prepared with volunteers.
For clarification, here is the plan for Mosaic Kids:

11:15a - pick your kids up as you normally do from their room
11:45a - Eat with your family in the gymnasium
12:15p - Take your kids back to the upstairs 2-3 yr old room for childcare (only kids 0-4yr old). If you have older kids, we will have activity bags still available for them if they stay in the room for the meeting.
12:20p - Family Meeting Begins
12:50p - Q & A - time
1:15p - Dismissal